Silaev Dmitrii Alekseevich




associate professor


уравнения математической физики, теория пограничного слоя, полулокальные сплайны, численные методы

General information: 

Associate professor Dmitrii Alekseevich Silaev (born 31.10.1945 in Moscow) teaches as GPC department since 1971. He is a student of Olga Arsenevna Oleinik (1925-2001). He specialises at equations of mathematical physics, boundary-layer theory, computational mathematics and programming. He has developed the semi-local splines theory, allowing to build high-prescision function approximation. Silaev gives a course of lectures in these subjects. Together with A.S. Kochurov and A.A. Vasileva he gives lectures in natural sciences: "Mathematical questions of continuum mechanics" and "Mathematical methods in theory of visco-plastic and elastic mediums". D.A. Silaev has over 60 scientific publications and was awarded the Silver medal VDNKh USSR (1984). One of his studetns defended Ph.D. thesis.

Кафедра ОПУ с глубоким прискорбием сообщает, что после продолжительной болезни скончался доцент кафедры общих проблем управления, заслуженный преподаватель МГУ Дмитрий Алексеевич Силаев и выражает искренние соболезнования родным и близким покойного.